Saturday, March 14, 2009

Silo, The Inner Look...


"The inner look is an active direction of the consciousness. It is a direction that seeks significance and meaning in the apparently confused and chaotic inner world. What is the meaning that this look is seeking? That meaning precedes even this look, since it impels it; that meaning allows the activity of looking within. And if one is able to grasp that the inner look is necessary for revealing the meaning that impels it, it will be understood that, at some point, whoever looks will have to see him/herself.

This self is not the look, nor is it the consciousness.

This self is what gives meaning to the look and to the operations of the consciousness.

It precedes and transcends the consciousness.

In a very broad sense we will call this self Mind, and we will not confuse it with the operations of the consciousness nor with consciousness itself.

But when someone tries to grasp the mind as if it were one more phenomenon of the mechanical consciousness, it eludes him because it admits neither representation nor comprehension, whether it is approached as an object or as an act.

The inner look must finally collide with the meaning that the mind puts in every phenomenon, even in consciousness itself and in life itself, and the collision with this meaning will illuminate the consciousness and life.

This is precisely what the book is about in its deepest essence."


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